How to transform a room into a work of art with modern wallpapers


Wallpapers: which one are the best? 


If you are still stuck with the idea that wallpapers are out-fashioned or something that you can only find at your grand-mother 70’s house, you are completely wrong. Modern wallpapers are a real piece of design, a true work of art that can give to your home an elegant, sophisticated and an artistic touch.


Nowadays you can find modern wallpapers of any kind, with a lot of peculiar and artistic elements and patterns of any kind: botanical patterns, animal patterns, geometric pattern (with a modern or retro twist) but also 3D wallpapers that will give it a very interesting optical illusion effect.


The real question here is: which wallpapers are the best in the market? Of course, you can find a huge variety of wallpapers made with many different materials, a lot of bright or neutral tones and patterns that can change the look of the room you will put it in.  Also, there are a lot of new wallpapers presented every year, so you better keep up with what is new in the market!


If you are looking for some inspiration and suggestion to pick up the ideal wallpaper for your home, we suggest to have a look at this interesting blog “10 carte da parati più belle del 2021” made by Elle Décor Magazine or at the list of the best brands of wallpaper by the Italian architect and interior designer Gaia Miacola.


How many kinds of wallpaper you can find


On the market you can find different types of wallpaper, which over time has evolved in composition (materials) and patterns. Just choose which room you want to apply it in and then evaluate the one of the most suitable materials: each wallpaper has different characteristics from each other, such as resistance to humidity, sunlight and more.


The most common modern wallpapers that are easily to find:


  • Cellulose: it has always been the most used one, we could say the original version of the wallpaper, but now it is less and less used, especially due to the difficulty of application (you need a specific glue and the skilled hands of a professional). 


  • Non-woven: the name itself already suggests with what kind of material we are dealing with; it is a mix of paper and vinyl, and it is a very resistant and versatile paper. Indeed, it can be applied on the walls of any room in the house. It is very quick and easy to apply, so it is also ideal for DIY lovers.


  • Vinyl: it is one of the most used wallpapers and it is also famous for its resistance over time, but also for its high resistance to humidity and sunlight. It usually has matte or satin finishes.


  • Natural fibers: it is a wallpaper with a non-woven base mixed with natural raw materials, which allow you to achieve an elegant and sophisticated finish.
  • Water repellent: it is treated with resins to make it impermeable when it gets in contact with steam, water, and humidity (ideal for bathrooms).


  • In reliefs: these are modern wallpapers made with a paper or non-woven base that will give to the wallpaper a 3D effect.


  • To be painted: a type of neutral wallpaper, which only needs to be applied and can also be painted several times of any color.


How much does a good wallpaper cost? 


This is not an easy question, and it is quite difficult to answer to. A modern wallpaper is usually sold per square meter so the price it is never the same. The materials are also a very important variable that can affect the price. Furthermore, it will be necessary to consider whether the installation price and VAT are included in the final price. 


How much does cost the wallpaper per meter? 


As we previously mentioned, prices are always variable according to the type of wallpaper, its resistance and many other factors that attest to its quality. For example, for a classic wallpaper the price could starts roughly from € 5 up to € 30 per square meter, while for one made of natural fibers (much more valuable) it could starts from a figure of € 10 up to even exceeding € 100 per square meter. Furthermore, it will be necessary to consider whether the installation price and VAT are included in the final price.


How should the wall for wallpaper look like


Carta da parati moderna


When it is time to apply your modern wallpaper you should pay attention to the wall conditions, because it should appear clean and in perfect conditions before starting with the application. The wall must be clean, smooth (without any crackle, holes, or wrinkles) and most importantly it must be free of mold, otherwise it will damage not only your wall but also the wallpaper over time. Another important thing it is the color of the wall: it must be white, because a brighter color could be seen thought the wallpaper and ruin the look of your room.


Modern wallpaper for flush-to-wall doors?


Did you know that wallpaper can be used to decorate a flush-to-wall door? It can be used both as a decorative effect and as a continuation of the wallpaper applied to the wall. This way the door will disappear and only the handle will be visible. A bit like in ancient palaces or castles, where tapestry was applied to the walls to hide doors that led to secret passages. Is it a bit like going back in time, isn’t it?

It is always important to rely on experts in the sector, for this reason we at Eurocassonetto are always ready to provide you with our advice and our help, to guide you professionally in your choice. Contact us: +39 0922

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